Ok, I got one. Not really interested in who you are. Even less interested in where you're from. Lure in SoHo is all about the food.
You might get it twisted when you venture downstairs to find a restaurant deco'd out in a cruise ship theme. You might even wonder if you've been caught in a tourist trap. But once that smiling face of the professional staff member pops up at your table, you settle back and relax to enjoy what will certainly be a meal to remember.
You start to wonder why the whole space doesnt smell like Fulton Fish market. It's obvious someone from this place represents Lure down there every single day and picks some very fresh fish to be prepared for their guests. The wine list smacks the ass of those who assume you need to buy within the confines of the local distributor's allocated allotment. I saw some very proud names on the legal page sized document, and all of them sat proudly, anxious to accompany your meal.
I'm getting away from naming producer names (Araujo), and describing dishes (Branzino). But I like it when courses come together like a symphony. I like it when service leaves you alone to enjoy what you've ordered. I like it when they insist you order desert, and I like it even more when they tell you it's gratis. If you want me to come back to your restaurant, treat me with respect for the money I'm spending, help me enjoy my meal by being aware of my mealtime needs, put a plate of poppin fresh food in front of me, pour (decant) me a bottle of wine that is produced by a person and not a wine corporation, and buy me desert. Winner, Winner, FRESH SEAFOOD OF ALL TYPES delicious dinner.
From the feedback I get from you (thanks), I know some of you follow my lead on your dining experiences. Lately I've been guiding you away from some less than wonderful establishments, and that's my job too. If you're in New York, go downtown.... spend some time walking around SoHo (when I was a kid it was dangerous, when my dad was a kid it was all textile factories), have a drink and some oysters at Blue Ribbon on Thompson, but save your appetite for dinner at Lure. Shelly Buck is the sommelier and she gets it. Introduce yourself.