We had the tasting menu. Tom suggested we get the opposite choice of the two offered for each course. He's a genuis. It was that good. I'm not even going to begin to describe the dishes, I fear I'd fall short of doing them proper justice. It wasnt long before there was no formality between the two of us as we'd reach over the table and into the opposite plate. Neither of us waited to be offered the last bite of anything. This is my idea of a good time.
Rahway isnt really famous for anything. They have their own incinerator. It has potential as a commuter town, but I really dont care. All you need to know is David Drake is one of those places you can skip lunch for. You're going to get great service, your going to have a shot at some above average wines, and you'll know when that first course comes and you start to tuck in
that you made a very wise decision.