The answer cannot be yes. I simply refuse to believe it. It's loathsome. I hate it
with all my might. I would truly rather lift heavy things from one corner of a room
to another corner of a room all day than try and get someone to listen to me about anything on the phone. I hate the phone to begin with, may God bless whomever invented the text message.
Now let's face it. Sometimes you have to do what you have to do. Sometimes you gotta sit your ass down at the desk and get out the notes and make the calls. Desperate times call for desperate measures. Ok, enough with the stupid cliches. We work for money so lets talk about how you can make some money by calling expired listings.
First realize why listings expire. In many cases people simply didn't price their homes correctly and they missed that first 30 day tidal wave of happy homebuyers with whom it's best to do business. These are the people I've mentioned in my previous post who bicker with their real estate professional. These are the people who should have shut their pie-holes. Expired listings are frequently our friend Joe FSBO, who finally got a clue and "did you a favor" by listing his home with you. Not because he realizes he's an idiot and situated himself outside the market, but because he's under the impression that a realtor should have a cell phone full of colleagues and buyers with checks already made out in his name. Joe FSBO, what a jerk.
Here's some tips to make you more effective in contacting property owners with expired listings.
1. Obviously we identify ourselves and warm up to the best of our ability with whomever does happen to answer the phone. Take their temperature, empathize with their concerns about the market, concede that real estate is slow, but assure them that homes are moving and qualified buyers are out there looking for great deals. (Acknowledge, Empathize, Overcome)
2. Be sure to be clear as to what they feel prevented them from moving their home. You cannot get them to list with you if you don't know their true objection. If they blame the realtor, ask them to tell you more about where that realtor failed. We can tell from experience it's more likely the owner failed the realtor, but expressing that is not going to get you a listing. Once you know what their problem is, don't sell them that. Ha. It's basic. Find out what they hate so you know not to bring the conversation there.
3. DO the math. Find out the date they first thought about selling the home. Find out the date they first listed the home (smoke out Joe FSBO by saying something like "You did the For Sale By Owner" sign on this property if I recall correctly, right?". You absolutely need to know with whom you're dealing with if you plan to succeed. From the time the first sign went into the ground to the day they decided not to extend the listing agreement. This chain of events is crucial in order to do the equation below.
Basic Money Line.
I advertised my property myself at $700,000
Estimated market value of same property $580,000
Time since house first went on sale: 28months (listed 12months/2 brokers)
Estimated market value of property today $410,000
Approximate monthly mortgate payment $3,200
Lets start with the mortgage payments. I love this part.
It cost these homeowners $89,600 to keep this house. Not factoring any maintenance, or insurance or whatever else they spent while living there when they really didn't want to. $90k is an expensive mistake. That's almost the difference between what the market would give them for the house and their astronomical original asking price. Plus, nobody took them seriously and probably nobody even bothered to make an genuine earnest offer. Bring that to their attention. Verbal offers are worth the paper they're signed on.
Now lets us continue to the real heartbreaker, today's value.
How's that $170,000 drop taste? Bitter, I'm sure.
"Do you see by not taking the advice of a professional you've cost you and your family
about $260,000?". "From what you've told me, Mr. FSBO, had you priced your home appropriately you would be ahead of the game by about $100,000, and that's taking into
consideration the $30k commission a licensed real estate professional is entitled to".
Punch ... now hug.
"I'm sure you see the value now of working with a licensed and skilled professional, Mr. FSBO. Would you be interested in stopping the bleeding and getting that home sold?"
If they talk about waiting for the market to go back up before they make that decision, remind them that the market isn't assured to go back up. It goes in cycles, true. But when? What if this downward trend is really a re-aligning of how prices SHOULD be and the next upturn of the cycle doesnt happen for 30years? Are they interested in staying where they are for the next 30 years? What if when the banks start lending again, the rates are back up in the teens?
He should be sick by now, make him well.
By selling now (quickly and efficiently) he more than likely will still earn a nice profit from the original purchase price of his home. And even if he does not, even if he only gets exactly what he paid into the home, what did he gain? ............ wait for it....................
"nothing, you say?".... "well, actually... Mr. FSBO, you actually gained XX amount of years of free rent". (give that a second to sink in).
Now go for the close.
"Mr. FSBO, I think you would agree that pricing and working with a professional are the keys to getting the most return on what is likely to be one of your key investments. I suggest we re-list your property at slightly below the market average today to see what kind of qualified offers we get. Remember, you have no obligation to me or to accept any offers you don't feel are practical for you and your family, but also remember that the time we already let pass cost you about $250,000 dollars".
"I'd like to meet you in person and discuss the listing of your home, can you stop by my office tomorrow morning?" Always have them come to you, and if you can, schedule more than one fish at the same time. Let them wait, or let them see you have other people waiting. Your time is valuable.
I realize this is basic, but it does plant some aggressive phone tactics in the minds of some of us who are just dialing to be dialing. You have to have a plan in order to close business. As an investor, I took terrible delight in calling ol' Joe FSBO after he gave in and finally went with a realtor. I'd do the math for him and remind him of my original offer, clearly showing him he would have made more by being smart and having me come right over with a check and a contract. But I'm demented and competitive, no foolin.