Sunday, May 2, 2010

Blog Post Numba 9

I ate at L'Opera in Long Beach. It was good. Long Beach itself is an Elizabeth NJ on the West Coast. Like an Asbury Park with Palm Trees. Which you can't really kill them for, without pointing a finger back at yourself.

I read a book by some skinny hippie clown named Kunkel. It's called Indecision and was long winded, predictable and kinda dumb. It seems a whole generation of writers have decided that finding out why you feel is more important than giving the reader something to imagine about.
The thick prose and storytelling gives way to outwardly cries for emotional help and blame placing. I want to read about people doing things that save them. Or read about someone who succeeded when he should have failed. Someone who failed when they should have succeeded.
If you throw in interesting characters and exotic/foreign/new locations we should be just fine.

Monday, April 12, 2010

I'll go ahead and get you all straightened out

I really do love you for taking me in. I should have moved here 10 years ago.
Every day is like a vacation, and I wake up and go outside and just smile.

But you've got some issues. Mainly fiscal. It'd be a shame to see one of the most beautiful
states in our country fall deeper into an already very large hole. The following are just some suggestions. Do with them what you may. But I'm solving your problem, so yous should pay attention.

1. State Universities and Colleges should be profitable. Even if they only make a dollar.
There are a zillion people in all the UC's. Make 'em pay to be there. It doesn't make sense that these institutions should be allowed to drain financial resources like they do.

2. Property taxes. Sorry but it's gotta be done. You could double California state property tax and it'd still be well beneath the national average.

3. Public transportation. You have got to be kidding me. Seriously, are you serious? Put someone in charge of this mess who has a backbone. They're called buses. 3rd world countries kick the shit out of California with their public transportation systems. New York solved the tunnel traffic problem by growing a spine after 9/11. They took that tragedy as an opportunity to put into place some very harsh rules, and then they enforced them. You couldn't get into the Holland Tunnel without at least 2 people in the car. People had to figure it out. They did. Problem solved. Imagine "the" 405 with half as many cars, and 14times as many buses? Buses with their own lanes that they robbed from oncoming (less congested) traffic. Aren't there scientists that spend their lives figuring this stuff out? I did it in a week, for free.

I'm not going to go off about fixing the corruption and cutting the fat. That's even beyond my evil mastermind capabilities.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

How I've Neglected Thee

It's true, I've neglected you. Not likely that's going to change.