Another excellent example of how passion and dedication can produce some of the finest varietals the entire WORLD has to offer. Truly a family affair, Mike Muscardini puts his name on each and every bottle of wine, and that's your assurance it's going to be great.
We are elated to welcome Muscardini Cellars to our portfolio of the finest California Boutique wineries.
"Through Muscardini Cellars, the Muscardini family shares their zest for life and profound appreciation for the fruit of the vine with the Muscardini Cellars artisan wines. The mission of Muscardini Cellars is to culminate the knowledge, tradition and respect of more than a century of family experience in the industry with wines that artfully capture flavor and spirit. "
We at www.avawine.com welcome you to enjoy these hard to find selections. To learn more about Mike and his beloved winery, goto www.muscardinicellars.com !
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