If you cannot make a connection with your prospective new client within the first 60 seconds then you need to stop reading and quit whatever sales job you are currently wasting your time doing.
This is the easiest part of your routine. Also one of the most vital. They really should sort of like you. It makes it easier. Unless you're pitching from a position of impending doom or disaster (another post on that later), it would serve you well to have a nice rapport with whomever you're giving a presentation to. It also aids in building trust. Trust is a critical element to any sale. Trust not only can be the lynchpin in getting you the sale, but it usually helps in keeping the sale after the fact, and don't forget return residual business.
I always asked my clients where they grew up. Not just where they were from, but where they spent their childhood. This immediately puts their brain working in the middle, and unless they were beaten routinely by their alcoholic parents, brings them to a place of comfortable euphoria. Get them talking a little bit about this subject and watch the walls come crumbling down. Ask a married woman about how she and her husband met, even if they hate each other now, and she'll be brought back to a place and time in her life where she was happy. Happy people buy stuff. Relating a VERY small tidbit about your life is nice just to establish a connection, but get back out quickly and back onto them. Try and hold out as long as you can before even beginning to ask the questions relating to the product/service, it never hurts to have them ask you about your product/service before you begin. But now they're ready.
Now you can start loading your weapon.