Monday, May 18, 2009

Confirm What You Learn!

The whole point of doing your discovery was so you could gather up ammunition to completely load your weapon, so when it was your turn to talk (sell/present/pitch) you would have all the information you needed to show them what they are about to buy.  How do you know they're going to buy?  it's because they told you what they wanted during your thorough discovery.  They also told you what they didn't want!  So don't sell them that!  They told you what they like, now present your product as a perfect fit for those wants and desires.

By re-confirming the answers they gave you during your discovery you accomplish two goals.  The first is that they see that you listened (most people find that flattering).  The second is you confirm their answers, thus eliminating their ability to change their wants and desires sometime later in your presentation.

Skipping this step is always a major mistake.  By completely confirming what you've learned you've set up complimented the excellent discovery you did, and fortify it's ability to help you get some business.


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Anonymous said...

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