About 4 years ago I was snowboarding alone up on Jay Peak, Northern Vermont. I was in the glades and it was late in the day, and very late in the season. The combination of me getting older, and me being a little bit tired caused my ninja reaction time to falter just a mili-second, and SNAP. The tree that T-boned me won the battle and my leg was broken, and broken good.
It was a horrible experience, although I did have time up there all alone to make peace with myself, and I can truly empathize with the Governor. Politics aside, I wish him a speedy recovery.
Speaking of breaking things, the Galleron Signature Wine 2001 Morisoli Cabernet Sauvignon will make you want to shatter the glass when you're done drinking it.
I strongly suggest placing an order for a six pack at your first opportunity.
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